Shifting from Quantity to Quality: Embracing the Implementation of NEP for Future-Ready Education

In the pursuit of educational excellence, it is imperative to shift our mindset from prioritizing the quantity of learning to emphasizing the quality of learning. This blog explores the need for stakeholders – schools, teachers, and parents – to embrace the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP), recognizing that while it may require taking a step back initially, it will ultimately pave the way for students to receive a quality education aligned with 21st-century challenges and India's vision of becoming the 'Vishwaguru.' In today's fast-paced world, the emphasis on quantity often overshadows the importance of quality in education. However, with the advent of NEP, there is a growing recognition of the need to prioritize the quality of learning experiences over the sheer volume of content covered. This shift requires stakeholders to reevaluate their approach to education, focusing on meaningful learning outcomes, holistic development, and skill acquisition rather than simply ticking off boxes on a syllabus. Implementing NEP may initially pose challenges for schools, teachers, and parents accustomed to traditional methods of education. However, embracing this change is essential for preparing students for the complexities of the 21st century and beyond. While it may require taking a step back and reevaluating existing practices, the long-term benefits of providing students with a quality education far outweigh the temporary inconveniences. By prioritizing quality education aligned with NEP, stakeholders are not only equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed for academic success but also preparing them to become future leaders and global citizens. This approach emphasizes cross-curricular learning, holistic development, and skill acquisition, ensuring that students are ready to navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing world. India's vision of becoming the 'Vishwaguru' hinges on the development of its youth, and by focusing on quality over quantity, we are laying the groundwork for a brighter future. In conclusion, the shift from quantity to quality in education is imperative for preparing students for the demands of the 21st century. By embracing the implementation of NEP and prioritizing meaningful learning experiences, stakeholders can empower India's youth to become future-ready leaders who will propel the nation towards its vision of becoming the 'Vishwaguru.' While the transition may pose initial challenges, the long-term benefits of providing students with a quality education far outweigh the temporary setbacks, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

Building Strong Foundations: Empowering India's Youth for a Resilient Future

As India strides towards its vision of a 'Viksit Bharat' (Developed India), it is imperative to recognize the pivotal role of strong foundational education in shaping the nation's youth. Beyond academic excellence, a robust educational foundation equips students with the social and emotional resilience needed to navigate life's challenges. This blog delves into the significance of fostering emotional strength and stability in students, ensuring they are prepared to face setbacks and failures with resilience and optimism. Strong foundational education lays the groundwork for a prosperous and resilient society. Beyond imparting academic knowledge, it instills essential life skills, fosters critical thinking, and nurtures emotional intelligence in students. By equipping youth with the tools to navigate challenges effectively, foundational education sets the stage for lifelong learning and personal growth. In today's fast-paced world, the pressures of academic success often take a toll on students' mental health. A strong foundational education prioritizes the social and emotional well-being of students, providing them with a supportive environment to develop resilience, self-awareness, and coping strategies. By promoting mental health awareness and offering access to counseling and support services, schools empower students to manage stress and build healthy relationships. Failure is an inevitable part of life, yet many students fear it due to societal pressure and unrealistic expectations. A robust educational system reframes failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. By fostering a culture of resilience and perseverance, schools empower students to embrace failure as a natural part of the learning process. This mindset shift enables students to bounce back from setbacks stronger and more determined than before. A cornerstone of strong foundational education is ensuring equal opportunities for every student, regardless of their background or circumstances. By offering multiple pathways to success and personalized learning experiences, schools empower students to discover their strengths and pursue their passions. This inclusive approach not only fosters academic achievement but also cultivates a sense of belonging and empowerment among students from diverse backgrounds. As India marches towards its 'Viksit Bharat' goal, the importance of strong foundational education cannot be overstated. By prioritizing the social and emotional well-being of students, embracing failure as a catalyst for growth, and providing equal opportunities for all, the education system lays the groundwork for a resilient and empowered youth. In doing so, it nurtures the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, ensuring a bright and prosperous future for the nation.

Nurturing Minds: The Significance of Books in Fostering Holistic Education

In the era of the National Education Policy (NEP) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF), the role of books in education has become more pivotal than ever. Beyond imparting knowledge, modern textbooks serve as gateways to self-awareness, Indian culture, citizenship, and technological awareness. This blog explores the crucial importance of books in aligning with NEP and NCF goals, fostering holistic development, and nurturing the natural progression of a child's cognitive, emotional, and social growth.   Self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence  Books are invaluable tools for fostering self-awareness and emotional intelligence in students. Through relatable characters, thought-provoking stories, and engaging activities, books help children explore their thoughts, feelings, and identities. By depicting diverse experiences and perspectives, books empower students to develop empathy, resilience, and a deeper understanding of themselves and others.   Celebrating Indian Culture and Heritage  Books play a crucial role in preserving and celebrating India's rich cultural heritage. From folk tales and mythology to historical narratives and contemporary literature, books offer students a window into the diverse traditions, languages, and customs that make up the fabric of Indian society. By promoting cultural literacy and appreciation, books foster a sense of pride, belonging, and cultural identity among students.   Fostering Citizenship and Social Responsibility  Inculcating citizenship values and social responsibility is integral to the education process. Books serve as vehicles for instilling these values by exploring themes of democracy, equality, justice, and human rights. Through inspiring stories of activism, community service, and civic engagement, books inspire students to become active and responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.   Promoting Technological Awareness and Digital Literacy  In today's digital age, technological awareness and digital literacy are essential skills for students. Books provide opportunities for students to explore emerging technologies, ethical dilemmas, and digital citizenship. By integrating technology-related content and activities, books empower students to navigate the digital landscape responsibly, critically evaluate information, and harness technology for learning and innovation.   Enhancing Cognitive Awareness and Critical Thinking  Books stimulate cognitive awareness and critical thinking skills by presenting students with complex ideas, challenging concepts, and open-ended questions. Through inquiry-based learning and problem-solving activities, books encourage students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information, fostering intellectual curiosity and creativity. By nurturing cognitive awareness, books lay the foundation for lifelong learning and intellectual growth. In the pursuit of holistic education, books emerge as powerful allies, aligning with the goals of the NEP and NCF to nurture well-rounded individuals equipped with self-awareness, cultural sensitivity, citizenship values, technological awareness, and critical thinking skills. By embracing updated content that reflects the evolving needs of students and society, books pave the way for a brighter future, empowering students to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Embracing the Blend: Integrated Classroom Mix for Early Years Education

In an era marked by rapid technological advancement, the integration of digital tools into early years education has become increasingly prevalent. However, the key lies in striking a balance between traditional classroom activities and digital learning experiences to ensure a holistic approach to education. This blog delves into the importance of adopting an integrated classroom mix, blending digital and traditional approaches to maximize learning outcomes for students in nursery to 5th grade, fostering both cognitive development and technological literacy in a gradual and age-appropriate manner. In the foundational years of education, it is essential to introduce technology gradually, allowing students to develop a strong foundation in traditional learning methods while gradually integrating digital tools into their educational experience. By introducing technology in a slow and deliberate manner, educators can ensure that students have ample time to adapt to new learning modalities while also fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for navigating the digital landscape. An integrated classroom mix enables educators to link learning with real-world implementation, providing students with hands-on experiences that reinforce classroom learning. By combining traditional activities such as group discussions, hands-on experiments, and artistic endeavors with digital tools such as educational apps, interactive whiteboards, and online simulations, educators can create dynamic learning environments that cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. This approach not only enhances students' understanding of concepts but also fosters creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills essential for success in the 21st century. The integration of digital and classroom activities in early years education offers a myriad of benefits for students' mental abilities and brain development. Traditional activities such as storytelling, role-playing, and hands-on exploration stimulate various regions of the brain, promoting cognitive development and critical thinking skills. Similarly, digital tools provide opportunities for interactive learning experiences that engage multiple senses and enhance information retention. By combining these approaches, educators can create a rich and stimulating learning environment that nurtures well-rounded learners with strong cognitive abilities and a solid foundation for future academic success. As educators, it is our responsibility to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in an increasingly digital world. By adopting an integrated classroom mix that blends traditional and digital approaches to learning, we can maximize the potential of every student, fostering both cognitive development and technological literacy in a gradual and age-appropriate manner. Together, let us embrace the blend, creating dynamic learning environments that empower students to thrive in the 21st century and beyond.

Unlocking Holistic Development: Woodapple Resources' Integrated Curriculum Solution

As our nation strides towards educational excellence, it is imperative to ensure that our curriculum aligns with the transformative vision set forth by the National Education Policy (NEP) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF). Woodapple Resources Pvt Ltd is proud to present a comprehensive proposal aimed at supporting schools in achieving this vision. Our tailored products and services are designed to facilitate seamless integration of NEP and NCF policies into school curriculum, fostering holistic development and academic excellence for every student. At Woodapple Resources, we understand the pivotal role of textbooks in shaping students' learning experiences. Our meticulously crafted textbooks are aligned with NEP, NCF, and the natural progression of students' learning, ensuring comprehensive coverage of key concepts and skills. With subjects ranging from English and Hindi to EVS and Maths, our textbooks integrate grammar, subject enrichment, skill-based exercises, mental maths, and art integration. Additionally, we adhere to national policies on bag weight, prioritizing students' physical well-being alongside their academic growth. Our approach to curriculum design goes beyond traditional textbooks, embracing a thematic, skill-based, and multidimensional approach to learning. Each book follows a thematic structure, aligning with age-appropriate learning themes and specific subject learning architecture. Skill-based exercises embedded within the curriculum enhance academic proficiency while nurturing essential life skills. Furthermore, our multidimensional approach promotes cross-curricular learning, fostering the development of multiple intelligences and reasoning abilities. By grounding experiential learning chapters in real-life scenarios, we ensure that students engage with social, emotional, personal, local, national, and global aspects, preparing them for success in an interconnected world. Woodapple Resources provides comprehensive support material through our cloud-based school software, "School for Me." This platform offers a suite of tools tailored to meet the needs of schools, teachers, and students alike. With access to e-books, animated lessons, worksheets, and notices, students can engage with curriculum content anytime, anywhere. Teachers benefit from streamlined administrative processes, including front desk management and data management, enabling them to focus on student learning. Our training programs ensure that teachers are equipped with the necessary skills to implement curriculum objectives effectively, with separate technical training to facilitate software usage. Moreover, our subject matter experts are available for doubt-solving, providing continuous academic support during school hours. As pioneers in integrated curriculum solutions, Woodapple Resources is committed to empowering schools and educators to deliver holistic, student-centric education aligned with NEP and NCF goals. Through our curriculum-aligned textbooks, thematic approach to learning, comprehensive support material, teacher training programs, and expert support, we are dedicated to fostering the holistic development of every student. Together, let us unlock the potential of our nation's youth, building a brighter future for generations to come.

Pioneering a Holistic Approach to Early Education

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, the importance of laying a strong foundation in the formative years of a child cannot be overstated. Recognizing this imperative, Woodapple Resources has emerged as a trailblazer in redefining early education through a comprehensive and systematic approach. This blog celebrates Woodapple Resources as the curriculum partner of choice for schools, highlighting its commitment to providing holistic solutions aligned with the goals outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF). Woodapple Resources has demonstrated a keen understanding of the urgent need to revolutionize early education. Informed by the principles of NEP and NCF, Woodapple Resources recognizes that the foundation and preparatory years are critical for laying the groundwork for a child's future academic success and holistic development. Through meticulous research and consultation with educators and experts, Woodapple Resources has devised a systematic approach to early education that addresses the diverse needs of young learners. Woodapple Resources offers schools a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to support every aspect of early education. From textbooks and e-books to digital chapters and teacher training programs, Woodapple Resources provides schools with the tools and resources they need to create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment. By offering a holistic approach to curriculum planning and implementation, Woodapple Resources empowers schools to meet the diverse needs of their students and achieve their educational goals. Woodapple Resources ensures that its solutions are closely aligned with the holistic educational aims and learning objectives outlined in NEP and NCF. By integrating key principles such as child-centered learning, interdisciplinary approaches, and inclusive education, Woodapple Resources enables schools to create learning experiences that promote academic excellence, social-emotional development, and lifelong learning skills. At the heart of Woodapple Resources' approach is a commitment to building strong foundations for every child. By focusing on the early years of education, Woodapple Resources lays the groundwork for future academic success and personal growth. Through engaging and developmentally appropriate resources, Woodapple Resources inspires a love for learning, fosters curiosity and creativity, and instills the confidence and resilience needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. As a trusted partner in foundation and prepratory education, Woodapple Resources is leading the way in reimagining the roadmap for approaching education in the foundation and preparatory years. By providing schools with comprehensive solutions aligned with NEP and NCF, Woodapple Resources empowers educators to create enriching and transformative learning experiences that set the stage for a lifetime of success and fulfillment. With Woodapple Resources by their side, schools can confidently navigate the complexities of early education and ensure that every child receives the strong foundation they need to reach their full potential.

Navigating Change: Challenges Faced by Schools in Implementing New Pedagogies and NEP-Based Learning Systems

As education undergoes a transformation to align with the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP) and embrace new pedagogical approaches, schools encounter a myriad of challenges on their journey towards implementation. In this blog, we delve into the complexities and obstacles faced by schools as they navigate the transition to new pedagogies and NEP-based learning systems, shedding light on the barriers that must be overcome to realize the vision of a progressive and inclusive education system.   Complexity of Transition  The shift to new pedagogies and NEP-based learning systems requires a fundamental reimagining of teaching and learning practices. Schools must grapple with changes in curriculum, assessment methods, teacher training, infrastructure, and stakeholder engagement, posing significant logistical and organizational challenges.   Resistance to Change  Change often meets resistance, both from within the school community and external stakeholders. Teachers, administrators, parents, and policymakers may harbor apprehensions about unfamiliar pedagogical approaches, curriculum reforms, or perceived disruptions to established practices, hindering the smooth adoption of new initiatives.   Resource Constraints  Limited resources, including financial, human, and infrastructural, pose significant barriers to the effective implementation of new pedagogies and NEP-based learning systems. Schools may lack adequate funding for teacher training, technology integration, curriculum development, or facilities upgrades, hampering efforts to modernize educational practices.   Teacher Preparedness  Teachers play a central role in driving educational reforms, but many may lack the necessary training, support, or professional development opportunities to effectively implement new pedagogies and NEP-aligned practices. Addressing gaps in teacher preparedness requires comprehensive training programs, ongoing support, and opportunities for collaboration and peer learning.   Assessment Alignment  Aligning assessments with new pedagogies and NEP objectives poses a significant challenge for schools. Traditional assessment methods may not adequately capture students' holistic learning outcomes or skills development, necessitating the development of alternative assessment strategies and tools that align with the principles of competency-based education and formative assessment.   Stakeholder Engagement  Effective implementation of new pedagogies and NEP-based learning systems requires buy-in and collaboration from all stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, administrators, policymakers, and the broader community. Schools must engage stakeholders in meaningful dialogue, address concerns, and foster a shared vision of educational transformation. In conclusion, schools face a multitude of challenges in implementing new pedagogies and NEP-based learning systems, ranging from logistical hurdles to resistance to change and resource constraints. Overcoming these challenges requires a concerted effort, collaborative approach, and sustained commitment from all stakeholders involved. By addressing these obstacles with creativity, resilience, and determination, schools can pave the way for a more equitable, inclusive, and transformative education system that prepares students for success in the 21st century.  

Crafting Success: The Importance of Detailed Implementation Planning in Education

Effective implementation planning is the cornerstone of successful education delivery, ensuring that learning goals are achieved and learners' holistic development is nurtured. This blog explores the critical importance of detailed implementation planners, focusing on classroom environment, differentiated learning, learning objectives, and other key components that drive holistic development and academic success for every learner.   1. **Creating an Enriching Classroom Environment :** A well-designed implementation planner lays the foundation for an enriching classroom environment that fosters student engagement, collaboration, and creativity. By carefully considering factors such as classroom layout, seating arrangements, and learning resources, educators can create a space that is conducive to learning and conducive to holistic development.   2. **Facilitating Differentiated Learning :** Differentiated learning is essential to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of every student. An implementation planner provides educators with the tools and strategies needed to tailor instruction to individual students' strengths, interests, and readiness levels. By incorporating a variety of instructional approaches, including small group activities, hands-on learning experiences, and technology-enhanced lessons, educators can ensure that every learner receives the support and challenge they need to succeed.   3. **Aligning with Learning Objectives:** A detailed implementation planner ensures that classroom activities, assessments, and learning experiences are aligned with predetermined learning objectives. By clearly articulating learning goals and outcomes, educators can guide instructional planning and assessment practices to ensure that students are making progress toward mastery of essential skills and concepts.   4. **Promoting Holistic Development :** Holistic development encompasses not only academic achievement but also social, emotional, and physical well-being. An implementation planner enables educators to incorporate activities and experiences that promote holistic development, such as social-emotional learning initiatives, physical education, and arts integration. By taking a comprehensive approach to education, educators can foster the development of well-rounded learners who are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.   In conclusion, a detailed implementation planner is essential for achieving the preset aims of education and fostering the holistic development of every learner. By focusing on creating an enriching classroom environment, facilitating differentiated learning, aligning with learning objectives, and promoting holistic development, educators can create a dynamic and supportive learning environment that empowers students to reach their full potential. Through rigorous focus on implementation, educators can ensure that every learner receives the support and opportunities they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.  

Evolving Curriculum: Navigating the Impact on School Book Selection

In the dynamic landscape of education, the curriculum serves as the guiding force shaping the learning journey of students. As the educational paradigm undergoes continuous evolution, educators, academicians, and the education sector as a whole find themselves at a pivotal juncture. This blog explores the intricate relationship between the evolving curriculum and the consequential impact on the selection of school books, shedding light on the considerations that educationists and academicians must navigate. Aligning with Educational Philosophies  Educationists play a crucial role in shaping educational philosophies, and the curriculum is a tangible manifestation of these philosophies. As curriculum frameworks evolve to embrace innovative pedagogies and holistic learning, educationists must carefully select school books that align with these principles. The selection process becomes a reflection of the underlying educational philosophy, emphasizing not just what students learn but also how they learn.   Adapting to Pedagogical Shifts  The academic landscape is witnessing a paradigm shift from traditional rote learning to experiential and interdisciplinary approaches. Academicians, aware of these pedagogical changes, must select school books that facilitate this shift. Textbooks should not only impart information but also stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. The selection process becomes a strategic move to support educators in adopting dynamic teaching methodologies that resonate with the evolving needs of students.   Incorporating 21st Century Skills  The 21st century demands a set of skills beyond textbook knowledge. Educationists, cognizant of this reality, need to choose school books that go beyond factual content. They should focus on fostering skills like communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and digital literacy. The curriculum's evolution necessitates the selection of books that act as tools for developing these skills, ensuring students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.   Diversity and Inclusion  As education strives to become more inclusive and reflective of diverse perspectives, the selection of school books becomes a means of promoting cultural sensitivity and understanding. Academicians need to choose books that represent a diverse range of voices, experiences, and backgrounds. This not only enriches the learning experience but also fosters empathy and a global perspective among students.   Leveraging Technology  In an era dominated by technology, the curriculum is increasingly integrating digital tools. Academicians must select school books that complement and enhance this technological integration. E-books, interactive content, and online resources become integral components of the evolving curriculum. The book selection process becomes an exercise in providing students with a seamless blend of traditional knowledge and technological advancements.   The evolving curriculum necessitates a thoughtful and strategic approach to school book selection. Educationists and academicians serve as the architects of this transition, carefully curating content that aligns with educational philosophies, adapts to pedagogical shifts, incorporates 21st-century skills, embraces diversity, and leverages technology. As we witness the metamorphosis of education, the choices made in selecting school books become instrumental in preparing students for a future that demands not just knowledge but a dynamic set of skills and perspectives.

Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders: The Crucial Role of Teacher Training and Professional Development under NEP

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a visionary document that aims to revolutionize India's education system. Central to its success is the recognition that the heart of education lies with its educators. This blog underscores the paramount importance and the pressing need for teacher training and professional development under NEP. It explores how empowering teachers is not just a choice but an imperative for realizing NEP's goals of fostering holistic, 21st-century education.   1. Understanding the NEP's Vision: At the heart of NEP is the aspiration to nurture well-rounded, creative, and capable individuals who can thrive in the rapidly changing global landscape. To achieve this, NEP places a strong emphasis on providing quality education, and teachers play a pivotal role in delivering it. Teacher training and professional development programs align educators with the NEP's vision, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and strategies required to implement its transformative changes.   2. Keeping Pace with Evolving Pedagogy: As NEP encourages a shift from rote learning to a more interactive and experiential approach, teachers need to adapt their pedagogical techniques accordingly. Teacher training programs offer them opportunities to explore innovative teaching methodologies, integrate technology effectively, and design engaging lesson plans. By staying current with evolving pedagogy, teachers can create dynamic classroom environments that foster critical thinking, creativity, and holistic development in students.   3. Cultivating Emotional and Cognitive Skills: NEP emphasizes the importance of nurturing emotional intelligence and cognitive skills in students. Teacher training and professional development programs provide educators with strategies to create inclusive and emotionally safe classrooms. These programs also offer guidance on incorporating activities that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and interdisciplinary learning, aligning perfectly with NEP's goals.   4. Promoting Lifelong Learning: Just as NEP envisions students as lifelong learners, it also recognizes the need for teachers to be lifelong learners. Continuous professional development ensures that educators stay updated with the latest educational research, technologies, and teaching practices. This not only benefits students but also reinvigorates teachers' passion for teaching, creating a positive feedback loop of excellence in education. Under the National Education Policy, teachers are not just facilitators of learning; they are catalysts of transformation. Teacher training and professional development programs are the bridge that connects educators to NEP's vision of a holistic, 21st-century education system. As teachers are empowered with the knowledge and skills to adapt to new pedagogical approaches, nurture emotional intelligence, and promote critical thinking, they will play a pivotal role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. In investing in the professional growth of our educators, we invest in the future of our nation.  

Unveiling India's National Education Policy 2020: Key Highlights and Implications

Unveiling India's National Education Policy 2020: Key Highlights and Implications India's education landscape has undergone a significant transformation with the introduction of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. A comprehensive and forward-looking document, the NEP aims to reshape the country's education system for the 21st century. This blog dives into the key highlights of India's NEP 2020, shedding light on the profound changes it introduces and the potential impact on the nation's educational trajectory. Holistic and Multidisciplinary Learning  The NEP emphasizes a shift from rote memorization to holistic and multidisciplinary learning. Schools will now focus on imparting foundational knowledge, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. This approach encourages students to explore a wide array of subjects, promoting a deeper understanding of concepts and fostering a love for learning. Early Childhood Education and Foundational Literacy  The NEP recognizes the significance of early childhood education and aims to provide universal access to quality pre-primary education. The focus on foundational literacy and numeracy at an early age ensures that every child has a strong educational base, setting the stage for lifelong learning and development. Flexible Curriculum and Choice-based Credit System  One of the notable features of the NEP is the introduction of a flexible curriculum and a choice-based credit system in higher education. This empowers students to choose subjects based on their interests and aspirations, promoting individualized learning paths and enhancing employability. Technological Integration and Digital Literacy  In line with the digital age, the NEP stresses the integration of technology in education. It envisions the use of online resources, digital tools, and e-learning platforms to enhance accessibility and improve learning outcomes. Promoting digital literacy equips students with the skills needed to navigate the modern world effectively.  Teacher Training and Professional Development  Recognizing the pivotal role of educators, the NEP emphasizes comprehensive teacher training and continuous professional development. This ensures that teachers are equipped with the latest pedagogical methods, fostering a vibrant and effective learning environment.    Multilingualism and Cultural Diversity  The NEP promotes multilingualism and the preservation of regional languages, reflecting India's rich cultural diversity. It envisions a flexible approach where students can learn in their mother tongue while also acquiring proficiency in other languages, facilitating cross-cultural communication and understanding.   India's National Education Policy 2020 represents a monumental stride towards a modern, inclusive, and skill-oriented education system. By emphasizing holistic learning, early childhood education, flexibility in curriculum, technological integration, teacher empowerment, and cultural diversity, the NEP paves the way for a generation of students who are better equipped to face the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century. As the NEP's vision becomes a reality, India's education landscape is poised for a transformative journey toward excellence and innovation.

Building a Strong Foundation: Integrating 21st Century Skills in NEP-Based School Curriculum Books for K5 Students

Building a Strong Foundation: Integrating 21st Century Skills in NEP-Based School Curriculum Books for K5 Students The foundation of a child's educational journey is established during the K5 segment, encompassing Kindergarten and the first five years of primary schooling. As the New Education Policy (NEP) aims to transform the Indian education system, it is essential to incorporate 21st-century skills in the school curriculum for this crucial age group. This blog explores the significance of integrating 21st-century skills into NEP-based school curriculum books for K5 students, setting them on a path to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving : Incorporating critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the curriculum books for K5 students is pivotal. Introducing age-appropriate puzzles, riddles, and real-life scenarios will encourage young learners to think critically and devise solutions. Such activities nurture their curiosity and enhance their ability to analyze and evaluate information, laying the groundwork for effective decision-making and creativity. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration skills are essential in the 21st century. School curriculum books should emphasize activities that promote verbal expression, active listening, and cooperation among students. Storytelling, group projects, and role-playing exercises enable children to articulate their ideas confidently and work as a team, preparing them for future interactions in diverse settings. Digital Literacy : In today's digital age, digital literacy is crucial for students' future success. Integrating age-appropriate technology-based activities in the curriculum books will introduce K5 students to digital tools, such as educational apps and interactive content. Early exposure to technology fosters digital competency, ensuring that students are well-prepared to navigate the digital landscape they will encounter throughout their educational journey. Creativity and Imagination: Fostering creativity and imagination in K5 students is fundamental. NEP-based curriculum books should include storytelling, arts, crafts, and open-ended projects that encourage imaginative thinking and self-expression. Nurturing creativity at this stage ignites a love for learning, leading to a lifelong pursuit of innovation and originality. Emotional Intelligence : Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in a child's holistic development. Incorporating activities in curriculum books that promote emotional awareness, empathy, and self-regulation enables students to understand their emotions and build meaningful relationships. These skills form the basis for positive social interactions, emotional well-being, and effective conflict resolution.   The K5 segment is the bedrock of a child's educational journey, shaping their attitudes, values, and skills. By integrating 21st-century skills into NEP-based school curriculum books for K5 students, we set them on a path of success, preparing them to thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing world. By focusing on critical thinking, communication, collaboration, digital literacy, creativity, and emotional intelligence, we build a strong foundation for their future endeavors. As we embrace the NEP's vision for a holistic and skill-oriented education, we empower our young learners to become well-rounded individuals who can lead and excel in the 21st century and beyond.  

Empowering Educators for a VUCA World

In a rapidly changing world, it is crucial to prepare our children to thrive in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) landscape of the coming centuries. An essential component of this preparation lies in the hands of our educators. The New Education Policy (NEP) provides a visionary framework for holistic development, and to ensure its successful implementation, regular NEP-aligned teacher training is paramount. This blog explores the significance of ongoing teacher training in stimulating learning within classrooms and nurturing well-rounded individuals ready to conquer the challenges of the future. Embracing the Vision of NEP  The NEP envisions a learner-centric, holistic, and skill-oriented education system. To bring this vision to life, teachers need to be well-equipped with the knowledge and understanding of the policy's core principles and objectives. Regular NEP-aligned teacher training empowers educators to align their teaching practices with the changing needs of the 21st-century learners. By familiarizing teachers with innovative teaching methodologies, experiential learning, and interdisciplinary approaches, training sessions enable them to create engaging and stimulating classroom environments that foster holistic development.   Cultivating 21st-century Skills  The VUCA world demands a unique set of skills from our future generations. These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication, collaboration, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Regular NEP-aligned teacher training emphasizes the integration of these skills into the curriculum and classroom activities. Educators are guided to design lessons that encourage students to think critically, analyze information, and work collaboratively. Such training equips teachers to nurture the intellectual and emotional growth of every child, ensuring they become well-rounded human beings capable of navigating complexities and uncertainties.   Inclusivity and Diversity  An essential aspect of NEP is its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Regular teacher training emphasizes the importance of creating an inclusive learning environment where each child feels valued and supported. Educators learn strategies to cater to diverse learning styles, address individual needs, and celebrate different cultural backgrounds. By promoting inclusivity, teacher training helps in building a cohesive learning community, fostering empathy, and encouraging students to embrace differences, making them better prepared to thrive in a VUCA world that thrives on diversity.   Integrating Technology  Technology plays a vital role in the modern educational landscape. Regular NEP-aligned teacher training equips educators with the skills to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices. Utilizing digital tools enhances student engagement, enables personalized learning, and broadens access to knowledge. Through technology, teachers can introduce interactive content, virtual simulations, and global connections, exposing students to the dynamic and interconnected world they will encounter in the coming centuries. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the role of educators in shaping well-rounded individuals becomes more critical than ever. Regular NEP-aligned teacher training serves as a catalyst in stimulating learning within classrooms and fostering holistic development in every child. Empowered with NEP's vision, teachers can cultivate 21st-century skills, promote inclusivity and diversity, and effectively integrate technology to prepare students for the VUCA world ahead. By investing in ongoing teacher training with Woodapple resources, we invest in the future of our children, empowering them to conquer the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead, and emerge as confident, compassionate, and capable leaders of tomorrow.  

The Importance of Inclusive School Books: Nurturing Comprehensive Development in a Child's 21st Century Learning Journey

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, inclusive school books have emerged as powerful tools for promoting comprehensive development in children. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all textbooks; today's inclusive school books embrace diverse perspectives and address all aspects of a child's development. This blog explores the significance of inclusive school books in a child's 21st-century learning journey, highlighting their impact on cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development. Cognitive Development : Inclusive school books play a vital role in stimulating cognitive development. By presenting a wide range of subjects, stories, poems and ideas, these books inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in children. They expose students to different cultures, histories, and scientific concepts, fostering a well-rounded understanding of the world. Inclusive books also cater to diverse learning styles through varrious pellets and elements present in the book, ensuring that every child can engage with the content in a way that suits their unique abilities and preferences. Social and Emotional Development: Inclusive school books contribute significantly to a child's social and emotional development. Through every chapter that depict diverse characters and situations, these books promote empathy, understanding, and acceptance. Children can learn about different perspectives, cultures, and experiences, helping them develop respect for others and celebrate diversity. Inclusive books also address social issues such as gender equality, inclusion of individuals with disabilities, and environmental consciousness, empowering children to become compassionate global citizens.   Moral and Ethical Development: Inclusive school books have the power to shape a child's moral and ethical values. Through chapter that highlight moral dilemmas, ethical decision-making, and the consequences of actions, these books encourage reflection and critical analysis. By portraying characters who demonstrate empathy, integrity, and resilience, inclusive books inspire children to adopt positive values and ethical behavior. They also address important societal issues, such as discrimination, social justice, and human rights, fostering a sense of responsibility and advocacy in children.   Personal and Cultural Identity Development : Inclusive school books play a crucial role in nurturing a child's personal and cultural identity. By including characters from diverse backgrounds and experiences, these books validate a child's own identity and promote self-acceptance. They provide a platform for children to explore their own heritage and culture, fostering a sense of pride and belonging. Inclusive books also expose children to different cultures, traditions, and languages, helping them develop a global mindset and respect for other cultures.   Inclusive school books are instrumental in supporting the comprehensive development of children in the 21st century. By providing a diverse range of content that stimulates cognitive development, enhances social and emotional skills, nurtures moral and ethical values, and strengthens personal and cultural identities, these books create a rich and inclusive learning environment. It is imperative for educational institutions, policymakers, and publishers to prioritize the development and inclusion of such books to empower children to become well-rounded individuals who can thrive in a diverse and interconnected world. Let us embrace the power of inclusive school books and embark on a transformative journey towards holistic education for every child. Woodapple Resources Publication believes that nurturing young minds from an early age sets the stage for lifelong learning and success. We firmly believe that by empowering students with the right tools, knowledge, and skills, we can contribute to India's journey towards global leadership in education. Join us on this transformative journey as we unlock the true potential of education in India. Together, let's pave the way for a generation of empowered, innovative, and future-ready learners who will contribute to the growth and progress of our nation. Woodapple Resources Publication is committed to making a lasting impact on the education landscape and empowering students to become leaders in the global knowledge economy.

The Paradigm Shift in the Indian Education System: From Ancient India to the 21st Century

The Indian education system has undergone a profound transformation over centuries, evolving from ancient India's Gurukul system under the reign of kings to the pre-independence era, the post-independence period, and finally adapting to the demands of the 21st century. This blog explores the significant paradigm shift in the Indian education system, highlighting the pros and cons associated with each phase, and shedding light on the challenges and opportunities that have shaped our educational landscape. Ancient India: Gurukul System and Royal Patronage (180 words): In ancient India, education primarily took place in Gurukuls, where students lived with their teachers in a close-knit community. The Gurukul system emphasized a holistic approach to education, focusing on moral, intellectual, and physical development. Students received personalized attention and imbibed cultural values from their gurus. The system enjoyed royal patronage, with kings and emperors actively supporting education.The Gurukul system fostered a strong teacher-student relationship, promoting character development, values, and cultural preservation. It provided a well-rounded education that included various subjects, including arts, sciences, and philosophy, but the system had limited access, primarily catering to the upper castes and males. It lacked structured curriculum and standardized assessment methods. As society became more complex, the Gurukul system struggled to keep up with the changing needs of an evolving nation.   Pre independence during the British colonial rule, the Indian education system underwent a significant transformation influenced by Western ideals. The introduction of English as the medium of instruction and the implementation of the Macaulay System aimed at producing a class of individuals loyal to the British Empire. During this era, education in India was largely limited to a privileged few. The British colonial rulers established an education system that primarily aimed to produce a class of individuals to serve the administrative needs of the empire. While this system did provide access to Western knowledge and subjects, it neglected traditional Indian wisdom and indigenous practices. The pros of this era include the introduction of formal education, the establishment of universities, and the foundation of scientific and rational thinking. However, the cons included limited access, cultural alienation, and a disconnect from local communities. The introduction of Western education brought exposure to modern subjects, sciences, and literature. It provided access to new ideas, fostered critical thinking, and laid the foundation for intellectual awakening. The establishment of universities and educational institutions further promoted academic pursuits. The Macaulay System however, created a sense of cultural alienation, as traditional knowledge and practices were neglected. The emphasis on rote learning and a rigid curriculum hindered creative thinking and holistic development. Additionally, the system limited access to education for the masses, perpetuating social and economic inequalities. Post-Independence Era: Universal Education and Social Justice (180 words): After India gained independence in 1947, educational reforms focused on nation-building, social justice, and inclusive development. The government recognized education as a fundamental right and aimed for universal access. The government recognized education as a fundamental right and aimed for universal access. This era included the expansion of educational opportunities, the promotion of regional languages, and the establishment of institutes of national importance. However, limiting the true potential of the system. Efforts were made to promote regional languages and cultural diversity. Educational institutions of national importance were established, ensuring quality education in specialized fields. It also had to face, challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, disparities between rural and urban areas, and outdated teaching methods persisted. The focus on examination-centric learning and rote memorization limited critical thinking and creativity. The system struggled to adapt to the changing demands of the job market and technological advancements.   21st Century learning is  Skills-based Education molded with Technology Integration, the Indian education system has made strides towards a more learner-centric approach, emphasizing skills development, critical thinking, and innovation. Technology has played a crucial role in transforming teaching and learning methods, making education more accessible and personalized. The integration of technology has opened new avenues for learning, providing access to information and resources. The emphasis on skill development and experiential learning prepares students for real-world challenges. The system has become more inclusive, promoting diversity and gender equality. The digital divide remains a significant challenge, with unequal access to technology and internet connectivity. The pressure for academic achievement and competitive examinations persists, often overshadowing holistic development. The need for effective teacher training in technology integration and ongoing professional development is essential.   The paradigm shift in the Indian education system from ancient times to the present era reflects the nation's continuous endeavor to adapt and grow. While each phase had its strengths and limitations, the focus remains on providing quality education that equips students with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the 21st century. By addressing the challenges of access, quality, and relevance, India can strive towards an inclusive, learner-centric education system that fosters innovation, critical thinking, and holistic development. The focus should be on striking a balance between preserving indigenous knowledge and embracing global advancements. We need to create an education system that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. It is crucial to build on the strengths of the past and embrace innovative approaches to shape a holistic and inclusive education system for generations to come.

New National Education Policy 2023: Embracing the 5+3+3+4 Structure for a Transformative Educational Landscape

The New National Education Policy (NEP) 2023 marks a significant milestone in India's educational landscape. One of its notable features is the introduction of the 5+3+3+4 structure, which aims to redefine the education system from foundational to higher levels. This blog explores the NEP's 5+3+3+4 structure, its importance, and the potential benefits it holds for students, educators, and the nation as a whole. The 5+3+3+4 structure represents the revamped framework for school education in India. It organizes schooling into four stages: Foundational (ages 3-8), Preparatory (ages 8-11), Middle (ages 11-14), and Secondary (ages 14-18). The earlier 10+2 structure has been replaced to align with global standards and better cater to the developmental needs of children. This new structure recognizes the importance of early childhood education and places emphasis on a holistic, skill-based approach throughout the schooling years. The 5+3+3+4 structure is important for several reasons. Firstly, it acknowledges the significance of early childhood education in laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning. It recognizes the formative years from ages 3 to 8 and provides an integrated and inclusive approach to early childhood care and education. Additionally, it offers a more flexible and learner-centric system, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. By aligning with global standards, it enhances the mobility and global competitiveness of Indian students. The 5+3+3+4 structure holds immense potential for the educational landscape in India. Firstly, it allows for a seamless transition from one stage to another, ensuring a coherent and continuous learning experience. The focus on early childhood education in the Foundational stage helps in nurturing essential cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. It enables children to develop a strong base for future learning and holistic development. Moreover, the structure promotes a multidisciplinary and experiential learning approach, encouraging students to explore their interests and talents. This will help in the holistic development of students and cater to diverse learning needs. The new structure also offers opportunities for vocational education and skill development during the Secondary stage, preparing students for employment and entrepreneurship. This aligns with the evolving demands of the job market and boosts the employability of Indian youth. Additionally, the 5+3+3+4 structure emphasizes the integration of technology, ensuring that students are digitally competent and prepared for the digital age. The introduction of the 5+3+3+4 structure in the New National Education Policy 2023 is a significant step towards transforming the Indian education system. By recognizing the importance of early childhood education, providing a flexible and inclusive framework, and promoting holistic development, this structure has the potential to revolutionize the learning experience for students. It aligns with global standards, enhances competitiveness, and prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. As we embrace the NEP's 5+3+3+4 structure, we lay the foundation for an education system that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning, ultimately empowering our students to excel and contribute to the nation's progress.

Revamping the Content: Unlocking the Potential of the Education Industry in India

The education industry in India plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the nation. However, in order to meet the evolving needs of the 21st-century learners, it is crucial to revamp the content offered in educational institutions. This blog highlights the pressing reasons why the education industry in India should embark on a journey of content revamp, ultimately unlocking the immense potential it holds for the growth and development of our students. 1. Aligning with Global Competencies: The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and it is essential for Indian students to be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in a global context. Revamping the content would involve incorporating global competencies such as critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and digital literacy. By aligning the curriculum with these competencies, the education industry can ensure that students are well-prepared to face the challenges and opportunities of the globalized world. 2.Embracing Technological Advancements: Technology has transformed every aspect of our lives, and the education industry should not lag behind. Revamping the content involves embracing technological advancements and integrating them into the learning process. Interactive multimedia, virtual reality, online resources, and adaptive learning platforms can enhance engagement, personalization, and accessibility. By leveraging technology, the education industry can create a dynamic and immersive learning experience, catering to the diverse learning styles and needs of students. 3.Encouraging Practical Application: A content revamp should shift the focus from rote memorization to practical application of knowledge. Hands-on learning experiences, real-world projects, and internships can provide students with the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. This approach fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity, enabling students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. By emphasizing experiential learning, the education industry can produce graduates who are not only knowledgeable but also capable of making meaningful contributions in their respective fields. 4.Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity: The content offered in the education industry should reflect the rich diversity of India. It should encompass a wide range of perspectives, cultures, and languages to promote inclusivity. By revamping the content to be more inclusive, students from various backgrounds will have the opportunity to see themselves represented and feel valued. This approach fosters empathy, cultural understanding, and global citizenship, preparing students to thrive in a diverse society. Conclusion: Revamping the content in the education industry is imperative to meet the changing needs of learners in India. By aligning with global competencies, embracing technology, encouraging practical application, and promoting inclusivity, the industry can unlock its full potential, nurturing well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact on society. It is time for a content revolution in the Indian education industry.  

21st Century Learning Patterns

Vidhi Hajela Director, Woodapple Resources Pvt Ltd. Indore Abstract  India is poised to become the fifth largest economy globally. In the 75th year of India’s independence, we are marking the Amrit Mahotsav. However, even as we celebrate and envision the next 25 years of Amrit Kal, there is much to be done. India’s diversity needs inclusion – social inclusion, financial inclusion and inclusion in education so that every child in India has access to learning and skilling as required for this era of technological advancement as we envision the next 25 years of India’s future. Education today is not easily accessible to millions of children in rural India and remote locations. They are prevented from acquiring good quality education even at primary and secondary levels to due remoteness, lack of infrastructure, equipment, and shortage of quality teachers. Our education system today requires innovation – away from rote learning which narrowly focus on marks and passing examinations. Our world is changing rapidly and the future of ‘Work’ is uncertain. As new models of work are required, students need skills which can make them adaptable. Thus, the focus needs to shift from narrow, repetitive learning to understanding and true learning whereby students can absorb information, understand concepts, and apply their understanding across all the knowledge they gain. Rote learning, outmoded forms of assessment etc. have resulted in poor learning outcomes, and high levels of exclusion, leaving behind millions of aspiring young learners and their families. For this, education needs to be creative, rather than focus on repetition; learners need flexibility of self-paced learning. Research has revealed that another key issue leading to gross under-performance is because various stakeholders in the teaching and learning ecosystem are not well-connected. This creates barriers between schools, teachers, and learners. For example, it becomes a challenge to match students with the best teachers who will meet their learning needs. Similarly, schools are challenged in optimizing outreach and parents experience stress in locating the best institutions to suit their preferences. Innovation in education is the need of the hour. After conducting intensive research combined with several years of on-the-ground experience in education, we have concluded that the future learner needs learning flexibility with quality education mirroring the key goal of the NEP 2020.Further in the paper we shall go into the key details of the concept starting from the need to bring this forward. Introduction In this globally interconnected world technology is transforming all aspects of our lives including the way we work, do business or acquire knowledge. Education needs to keep pace with these transformations. Young minds of today need to become adaptable professionals and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Skills required for the 21st C require urgent innovation in education and pedagogy. We need to redesign our pedagogies as well as, the content of what the student is learning. We need to focus on enhancing the learning experience of students, aiming to bridge the gaps between the “3-E’s” in India: Education, Employment Empowerment     Our model need to be committed to enable the youth of today to acquire Education which has high Employability and will eventually lead to Empowerment. Focusing on mission to ensure employability and sustainability echoes the objectives of the NEP 2020. Methods One Nation-One Learning  School For Me We believe that education is a vocation. We recognize that to administer education requires strategy, business models and finding a balance between service delivery costs and ethical values. This is precisely our mission: we are committed to ethics and pledge ourselves to be a value-based company which will always strive to place “Student-First” satisfaction at the heart of our business relationships with multiple stakeholders. We believe in breaking barriers so that Any Child-Anywhere can access learning Anytime. We are motivated by the ideology of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: the world is One Family ! School4me is an online platform of learning. But it is also much more than that. It is both a product and a service. It is a product available to schools, teachers and students. It is also a service through which schools can showcase their special features to attract students, teachers can showcase their talent and expertise and reach students and students can find the best match of who will teach them and where they wish to study. Thus, S4M is an educational ecosystem which integrates the requirements of multiple stakeholders: students, teachers, as well as schools, providing each stakeholder with online resources and dashboards through which they can access a wide range of information about the available educational and learning choices. They can also access courses specially curated by S4M. Our user-friendly technology helps all stakeholders to navigate the platform with ease so that they can make well-informed choices from the comfort of their home. In creating this online Ed-Tech product we have used insights from our on the ground experience in running several schools. This experience has enabled us to envisage this transformative model well before NEP 2020 stressed the need for connecting different stakeholders and for designing educational programs with a focus on enhancing competences and skills. School4Me works in multiple ways for all the stakeholders in school education. Unlike other Ed-tech platforms, Schoool4Me is not just a platform for passive learning. It is a problem-solving platform. By breaking barriers that block access between different stakeholders – schools, teachers, and students—S4M facilitates smooth and easy interaction between all stakeholders -- —with just a click! Flexibility of time and access across regional, national, and global locations is our anchoring principle. S4M serves as a bridge and facilitator for different stakeholders in the education ecosystem as described below : S4M and Students  Given that there are currently over 14,94,052 schools in India, and several crore students, access to information tends to be restricted by region. S4M provides vast amounts of information about schools, their curriculum, their visions, and mission. Students and parents can get aggregated information all on one platform. They can review and compare where they wish to learn and who they wish to learn from even if they are in remote locations. They can also find additional courses on S4M platform to enhance their skill set. This integrated information about schools and presents is presented in a user-friendly way with carefully designed tech tools. Outcome for students: S4M provides information about a wide-range of schools and teachers in an integrated and user-friendly way. Thus, students can find, compare, assess, and choose the school that is the best fit for their learning goals. Students and parents can, from the comfort of their home, remain abreast with the latest information about schools—their vision, pedagogy, facilities, infrastructure, and education policies. All this information is just A-Click-Away, saving time and effort. Thus, S4M is a problem-solving platform for students and their parents as it expands access to learning and enables make an informed choice, with a single click!  S4M and Schools : As in the case of students, schools also can enjoy several benefits from S4M . There are millions of schools offering education. However, schools are often limited in their reach. They may wish to showcase their vision, mission, activities, and other distinct features. However, this projection may be limited due to region-focused advertising or marketing budgets. S4M provides a complete solution to this problem of projection by creating a consortium of schools which are member schools. Member schools enjoy multiple benefits. Registering with S4M opens a world of possibilities for expansion. Outcomes for schools Becoming a member school with S4M, opens a world of opportunities because schools can easily be searched by students and families who are looking for ideal institutions for their children. Information about a school on our platform has unlimited reach because it is dynamic and ever-expanding. S4M membership automatically widens the scope and reach of the school, enabling it to be discovered anywhere, rather than being limited by narrow marketing channels. Through our user-friendly platform, schools can thus enhance their discoverability and easily showcase their cutting-edge facilities, teaching methods and other unique features so that their reach is enhanced multiple times through a simple moderately-priced membership fee. S4M for Teachers: In the conventional model of teaching and learning, the expertise of many teachers is confined to the schools in which they teach. Tutors who are freelance also usually teach within a limited orbit. Students and teachers who are remote from each other usually remain unknown to each other. Unfortunately, this means that many talented tutors who are enthusiastic about expanding their arena of tutoring, are unable to do so due to geographical location or time constraints, like family and other professional commitments. We have created S4M as a problem-solving platform to remove these barriers for teachers. S4M provides courses designed not only for students but also for teachers who wish to scale their professional expertise. Outcomes for teachers:  Teachers can easily expand their discoverability and optimize their professional excellence by reaching the maximum number of learners. The Padho Anywhere-Anytime principle works in the favor of teachers and students to mutual benefit. Geographical remoteness or time-zone barriers are dissolved through our tech-enabled platform. Teachers can augment their own skill set, upgrade their professional learning through our specially curated courses. At the same time, educators can offer their expertise with complete flexibility of timings which suit their individual life activities as well as those of their students. Teachers can thus benefit from income-generation from the comfort of their own homes, without disrupting their current life activities.  School4Me thus creates multiple opportunities for Padho Anywhere-Anytime. All these opportunities can optimize the talents of both the learners as well as, the educators. To sum up:Connecting schools to teachers, students and their families can bring unlimited benefits to all stakeholders . By joining S4M consortium of members, a school can project itself to a wide national and international audience of potential students and faculty. Schools can attract the best teachers and students. And teachers and students can engage productively in learning Anywhere-Anytime. It is a Win-Win strategy for all ! “The Learning Mechanics” Woodapple publication Woodapple Publicationa is the fruition of a dream of  3 women entrepreneurs. We have extensive experience in school education and we are leveraging that experience to bring in our best practices from the time we founded  “Udaan : The 7- Habit Foundation School” (estd 2008). In our rapidly changing world where ‘work’ is being redefined and the barriers of time and place are being blurred by technology , we believe that along with innovation in teaching methods, there is a crying need to innovate the content of what is being taught to students. Books and resources which impart only theoretical knowledge do not prepare students to adapt to situations which are new and challenging. We are therefore, committed to reframing the content of students learn.  Our aim is to integrate knowledge with skill-learning and applicability and create publications which help students in developing transferrable skills which can be useful even when the paradigm shifts, industries change and jobs are redefined. We share the rising concern about capacity-building for the 21st C which has been widely discussed by educators and policy-makers globally. We are now adding innovative educational publishing and content creation to our repertoire of educational services. Woodapple Publications  is our key product whereby we are curating books and publications which aim to provide premium content for school learners. Our content is specially curated to integrate knowledge and skills so as to empower a student to confront the challenges of a rapidly changing world. The 21stC . In publishing this specially curated content for school children we commit ourselves to the concept of “catch them early”. Our driving motto  “catch them early”means that learning and skills are embedded in the student experience from an early stage , thereby reducing the need for remedial learning in later school years. We are proud that  Woodapple Resources with its  an  integrative approach to education and curriculum design also supports  key aims of  NEP 2020. Woodapple Publications : Special Features Woodapple resources books are a comprehensive series of books with natural progression for students to enhance their learning. The books focus intensively on aligning the content with the requirements outlined in the NEP, as well as other Boards of Education in India. We support a unified approach and seek to provide uniform standardized content for children across our vast and diverse nation. Our Audience:   Students  Teachers Schools   Key Features of Woodapple Series of Books: Thematic Integration: The books have been designed keeping a unified theme across the chapters. This enables enhancing the knowledge pyramid, while revolving around the same topic. This leads to stronger learning outcomes. Skill Integration:The books are designed to integrate academic knowledge along non-academic skills. This leads to an integration between concepts and their application. Learning thus becomes a joyful experience for the student rather than a dry theoretical experience Multidimensional Integration:Woodapple Books transcend disciplinary boundaries to integrate cross curricular knowledge, enhancing the scope of learning. With every chapter there is progression in learning. Another key feature is Linguistic Integration:We believe in a pan-India identity among students, so that they are exposed to languages from different regions. Our books have multi-linguistic content so that a student can grow into a professional or businessperson, who has some exposure to languages from another region of India as well. We believe this adds another skill set to learning.  Experiential Learning:Our content provides a plethora of experiential learning. Students’ learning will include elements from local, national, as well as global, as we pay attention to social, emotional and personal dimensions of learning.  Examples of Woodapple Series Woodapple EVS  The vision of Woodapple EVS is to accelerate curiosity in the students : to know and understand their surroundings through everyday activities. We have designed every element of the book to provide a different learning experience to the students. Woodapple English : This series develops everyday communication skills in students giving them the confidence to express themselves and be skilled at conducting conversations in English without hesitation. We have introduced different theme based plots to engage the students in a stimulating reading experience every time they open a new chapter. Woodapple Arithmeticis a series with a vision to enhance the learning experience of students by explaining arithmetic concepts through everyday life experiences to which they can relate in their everyday life. The approach is interactive and learner-friendly. Conclusion   School4Me: a revolutionary model:  “Padho Anywhere; Anytime” NEP 2020 and Unique Outcomes of S4M : The anchoring concept of S4M is ‘Learning Beyond Boundaries’. We believe in One nation One Learning application. Our innovative model supports many aspects of NEP 2020.  For example, S4M supports liberalization of education. S4M liberalizes access, and opens the doors of learning, expanding its reach to millions. It thus supports inclusion —regardless of where the learner and teacher are located. It breaks many stereotypes of traditional teaching and learning which has many fixed parameters of place and time. Thus, it goes beyond Framework Learning. To sum up S4M provides: *Personalized match making between schools, learners, and teachers *Skill-enhancement courses for teachers *One nation One learning application * Local/National or Global learning from single click Our vision is to make Inclusion easy and smooth. We have harnessed technology to enhance flexibility. S4M provides user-friendly tools so that students can find the teachers they want to learn from; teachers can extend their services to students in remote locations; schools can offer their services to potential families who may be school hunting; and ease the stress of parents to find a school or teachers most appropriate for their child. Anywhere-Anytime! We bring our expertise and our insights in launching S4M which is grounded in real-world understanding of educational needs as well as a vision for educating children for the 21stC. Bridge the Divide; Build Empowered Communities We strongly believe that education is one of the most important drivers of empowerment. We wish to support an approach to education which is professional rather than charity-based. Education must enhance opportunities – for all! Our long-term vision supports the NEP and  NCF to create an education system where access to education is widespread. We are committed to help to blur the boundaries that prevent all children from accessing learning, regardless of the barriers of time and place. We wish to create a quantifiable difference in the learning outcomes as referred to by NEP and NCF. We believe that redesigning content is a key driver to bringing about sustainable change, for a stronger workforce of Indians for the future We wish to bridge skill gaps from an early age, so that our youth of today can truly be empowered to build a future India which is ‘Atma Nirbhar’. We envision creating holistic developmental opportunities for building strong  human capital in India. Our model of education is committed to the vision that India becomes a global powerhouse of talent, skills and the best human capital --  VISHWAGURU ! S4M welcomes you to join us on this exciting journey !

सीख और आशा का समन्वित रूप है शिक्षा, दोनों की है जरूरत आज जन - जन लप शिक्षा का वास्तविक अर्थ समझना होगा।

शिक्षा अर्थात सिख और आशा। सीख जो जीवन के आयाम बदल देती है, और आशा जो जीवन में एक नई ऊर्जा भर देती है। आज जन-जन को शिक्षा का वस्तविक अर्थ समझाना होगा। यह समझना होगा कि शिक्षा से तात्पर्य क्या है ? क्या कॉलेज या स्कूल में दी जाने वाली शिक्षा ही शिक्षा है या इससे इतर इसका कुछ गहन मतलब है। मेरे ख्याल से शिक्षा केवल वह नहीं है, जो स्कूल और कॉलेज में दी जाती है। वास्तव में मनुष्य के आसपास संपूर्ण वातावरण उसका शिक्षक है। बालक बालयकाल से ही अपने आसपास के लोगो और घटनाओ से जाने - अनजाने बहुत साडी चीज़े सिखाता है और यही कालांतर में उसका अनुभव बनते है, जिस अनुभव के आधार पर वह जीवन में विभिन परिस्थितियों का सामना करता है। आज के समय जब दुनिया में किसी भी जगह की जानकारी व्यक्ति या कहा जाए छात्रों से एक क्लीक की दुरी पर है, तो ऐसे में स्कूलों की जिम्मेदारी बढ़ जाती है। उन्हें समझना होगा कि उन्हें सही मायनों में ऐसे पाठ्यक्रम का निर्माण करना होगा, जहां विद्यार्थी का मात्र शैक्षिक विकास न हो वरन उसमें जीवन कौशल, सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक, स्वावलंबन व विशलेषणातमक दृष्टिकोण का भी विकास हो। जहां विद्यार्थी सिर्फ कक्षा प्रोन्न्ति के लिए न पढ़े, बल्कि इसका सामयिक व व्यावहारिक प्रयोग जानें - समझें और खुद उसे व्यवहार में उतारकर अपने अनुभव के तौर पर ग्रहण करें। एक शब्द में कहें, तो आज ऐसे गुरुकुलों की आवश्यकता हैं, जो मोर्डर्न विद्यालय की तरह आधुनिक हों, लेकिन बच्चों को व्यवहारिक ज्ञान प्रदान करें। ऐसे स्कूल जहां विद्यार्थी को पारम्परिक शिक्षा पद्धति के साथ आधुनिक व्यापक दृष्टिकोण तथा उच्च तकनीक सिखाई जाए और विद्यार्थी को स्वयं प्रयोग कर सीखने का मौका दिया जाए ताकि बच्चा आत्मविश्वासी बने। जहां बच्चा किसी एक विषय नहीं बल्कि विविध विषयों की जानकारी रखता हो। यह विद्यालयों की जिम्मेदारी है कि वे अपने विद्यार्थी को बहुआयामी बनाएं, ताकि वह किसी भी परिस्थिति से पार पाने में खुद को सक्षम माने। विपरीत स्थिति में तनावग्रसित न होकर एक विकल्प के काम ना करने पर नया विकल्प पूर्ण आत्मविश्वास के साथ चुने और आगे बढ़े। आज जरूरत है कि विद्यालय केवल लाड़ले नहीं, बल्कि जुगाडु बच्चे बनाएं, जो किसी भी विषमता से पार पा सकते है।

Who all are the people with whom your child interacts in a school?

 “Kids are like mirrors, they do what they hear and see.   Be a good reflection for them”. Parenthood is a time of pleasure and happiness. Your child’s world under your guidance seems so perfect.  But as soon as your child grows, you realize that their world gets equipped with several other people. The initial traits that a child possesses are of his parents and the rest is the result of his surroundings.  The time when your little one gets ready for school is the time you need to gear up to do what you haven’t done before.  Choosing a school is one such important and crucial decision, as there are many factors and variables other than the education being given. You need to make sure the people you are entrusting your kids to for the rest of their schooling period are worth the responsibility or not. The teachers, education, cost, activities and some other basic facilities are taken into consideration whereas the other important factors are over looked. Now you must be wondering, what are the other important factors you have missed to consider? The Bus Drivers Your kid’s safe passage to school and home should be of paramount importance to you. Make sure that the driver carrying your kid is well trained as your kids life is entrusted to them during the commutation. When the drivers realize that they are responsible for the lives of the students who travel in their bus, they won’t fail to drive safely. This can help in avoiding unwanted accidents and ensure the safety of students. Not just this, the driver should be trained enough to maintain discipline in the bus, preventing bullying, fights, etc. The Caretakers The caretakers in school do more than just look after your kids and attend to their needs. They nurture, and foster a bond that makes them almost a part of your kid’s family.  You need to make sure that the school that you have chosen has trained care takers possessing all the qualities that are needed for a child’s proper upbringing. Patience and flexibility are one of the qualities that every person dealing with a kid should possess. Any school cannot take good care of a child unless the people out there love him like his family. It takes more than just facilities to nurture a kid. Keeping the above tips in mind will help you making a poised decision for your child ensuring him valuable education and a safe future.

Top 5 Challenges You Might Face In Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Do you feel that your life is too short to be working for someone else’s dream? Or is it so that every other person sees the risk but you are among those who see the reward that is waiting for you? If this how you perceive things, then congratulations! This is an onset of your entrepreneurial journey. Entrepreneurship is rewarding yet comes with a host of challenges.New and young entrepreneurs may find various challenges in their journey. Just as smooth seas do not make skillful sailors, your place in the business world depends on how you navigate the obstacles in your way.  Listed below are a few obstacles that you might face in your journey to success. However, if you are able to come up with the effective counter strategies you can ease your path to affluence. 1. Financial setbacks The major challenge faced by the new entrepreneurs is the lack of financial capital, making it really difficult for them to raise funds unlike the older businesses having good credit and years of networking under their belt. In order to grow your business despite all odds, you need to set a plan accordingly that will help you minimize the errors. So set a plan, accept the challenge and feel the exhilaration of victory. 2. Hiring the right talent When it comes to the delegation of responsibility, you need to be very careful as to the kind of employees you are hiring. It is of utmost importance for your business to have a good team of individuals as you are entrusting them with your customer’s satisfaction and your brand image which is directly proportional to the work done by them.  3. Attracting the prospects A smaller company usually finds it hard to attract its prospective customers. It might be a lack of experience or budget making it difficult for them to reach the masses. Therefore, to take the hold of the market place you need to conduct a full proof research knowing their needs and offering them with a quality product at a low price. 4. Business skills and mentoring advice Every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor. New entrepreneurs, due to the lack of experience, are unable to see the uncertainties that are likely to take place in their journey. Therefore every person who wants to be a successful entrepreneur needs a guiding light to cross all the hindrances in his way. 5. Cash Flow management Cash flow is of utmost importance to a business’ existence in the market place, yet many entrepreneurs struggle to pay the bills while they’re waiting for their payment to arrive. Therefore, you need to come up with a proper budgeting plan to help you avoid stressing over the bills. A strong cash flow can also expose you to various opportunities such as investing in new products and taking other financial initiatives. These were some of the challenges you might face in your entrepreneurial journey. However, all it takes is perseverance that can pave a way to success despite all hindrances in your way. So stay positive, work hard and make it happen.

स्वयं का सम्मान करें

बच्चे घर लौटते ही पूछते हैं - मां कहां है क्योंकि महिला परिवार की धुरी होती है। सबसे अहम बात महिलाएं अपना सम्मान करना सीखें क्योंकि वह इसकी हक़दार है। .  सोनिया हजेला, शिक्षाविद्

क्या आप उपभोक्ता अधिकारों से वाकिफ हैं?

15 मार्च उपभोक्ता दिवस के रूप में मनाया गया। लगभग 50 प्रतिशत उपभोक्ता महिलाएं हैं और खरीदी में उनका निर्णय महत्वपूर्ण होता है। महिलाओं को उपभोक्ता के रूप में अपने अधिकारों के प्रति सचेत एवं सजग होना चाहिए क्योंकि महिलाएं अपने परिवार के लिए हाउसहोल्ड गुड्स बाजार से खरीदती हैं। उचित दाम पर उचित वस्तु खरीदना उनकी आवश्यकता ही नहीं उनका अधिकार भी है जो उन्हें कन्ज्यूमर प्रोटेक्शन एक्ट 1986 के तहत मिला है। यदि खरीदे हुए सामान का मूल चुकाने के बाद उचित सामान जिसका की दावा किया है, जो आपको नहीं मिलता है तो दुकानदार के खिलाफ कन्ज्यूमर फोरम में महिलाएं शिकायत दर्ज करा सकती है। इसके लिए एक आवेदन और आपकी खरीदी संबंधी बिल आदि प्रस्तुत करना होते है जो आप बिना किसी वकील के कन्ज्यूमर फोरम में शिकायत दर्ज कर सकती है। कोई भी सामान खरीदते वक्त दुकानदार से पक्का बिल लेना चाहिए। प्रत्येक खरीदे जाने वाले सामान के उपर एक्सपायरी डेट, उसकी एमआरपी, उसका वजन आदि जांच लें एवं एमआरपी से अधिक भुगतान किसी भी हालत में नहीं करना चाहिए। ये बातें ध्यान रखें • ऐसी वस्तुएं और सेवाएं, जो जीवन और संपत्ति के लिए खतरनाक है के विपणन के खिलाफ संरक्षित किया जाना। उपभोक्ताओं को आईएसआई, एगमार्क आदि के रूप में चिह्नित गुणवत्ता के उत्पादों की खरीद ही करना चाहिए । • उपभोक्ताओं का उत्पादों की उसकी गुणवत्ता, मात्रा, शक्ति, शुद्धता, मानक और मूल्य के बारे में सही सूचना प्रदान करना । • उपभोक्ताओं को उचित मूल्य पर संतोषजनक गुणवत्ता और सेवा का आश्वासन देना । • उपभोक्ताओं के हितो को उचित मंचों पर एवं उसके विचारों का प्रतिनिधित्व उपभोक्ताओं की बेहतरी के लिए किया जाना चाहिए। • अनुचित व्यापार व्यवहार या उपभोक्ताओं के अनैतिक शोषण, वास्तविक शिकायतों का उचित समाधान करने का अधिकार है।

टैक्स एम्बेसडर बन महिलाएं दें देश के विकास में योगदान

टैक्स एम्बेसडर बन महिलाएं दें देश के विकास में योगदान मार्च माह और महिलाओ का घनिष्ट संबध है, एक तरफ मार्च में महिला दिवस मनाया जाता है वहीं इसी माह वित्तीय वर्ष का समापन होता है और आगे के वर्ष के लिए बजट और योजनाओं का विकास ढांचा भी रचा जाता है। महिलाएं हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं, महिलाएं जो अपने माता पिता के घर को छोड़ पूरा जीवन अपने नए परिवार को संवारने और आगे बढ़ाने में समर्पित करने की क्षमता रखती है। परिवर्तन और विकास पूंज महिलाएं समाज और देश में विकास और परिवर्तन में टैक्स अम्बेस्डर बनकर अमूल्य योगदान दे सकती है। किसी भी देश की आर्थिक प्रणाली की रीढ़ होती है कर से प्राप्त आय। सुचारु रूप से कर से आय प्राप्त होने से देश निरंतर विकास की रह पर आगे बढ़ता है। परंतु कर एक कठिन विषय है एवं कई बार जानकारी के अभाव में समय पर कर न भरे जाने से कई परशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। आज समाज और देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक को कर व उसके महत्व का ज्ञान है परंतु कर साक्षरता का अभाव एवं कर साक्षरता परामर्श केंद्र जैसी कोई व्यवस्था न होने से न चाहते हुए भी लोग टैक्स भरना भूल जाते है। महिलाएं टैक्स अम्बेस्डर के रूप में आधारभूत जानकारी प्राप्त करें जैसे कि प्रत्यक्ष एवं अप्रत्यक्ष कर तथा जो महिलाएं व्यवसाय कर रही है उन पर प्रोफेशनल टैक्स, सर्विस टैक्स व आयकर कब, कहां कितना लगता है। यदि महिला ग्रहिणी है तो उसे जानना चाहिए कि पति की आय पर एवं घर से संबधित कोण से कर लागू होते है। कर से संबधित विषय पर परिवार में आपस में बातचीत करें तथा सुनिश्चित करें कि लगने वाले करों का एक स्टेटमेंट ऑफ़ टैक्सेशन बनाया जाए जिसमे लागू होने वाले विभिन्न करों का नाम लिखा जाए। उनके सामने उनकी भुगतान तिथि लिखें व अनुमानित रकम भी लिखें। ऐसे चार्ट बनाने से आपको कर की तिथि पूर्व विदित रहेगी व आप समय पर कर का भुगतान कर देश के विकास में अपना योगदान कर सकेंगे।

महिलाएं अपनी नैसर्गिक उद्यमिता को पहचानें

महिलाएं नैसर्गिक उद्यमी होती हैं। किसी भी काम को सोचना, उसको करना और लक्ष्य तक पहुंचाकर पूर्ण करना ही उद्यमिता है। नए कार्य करते रहना और उनकोलक्ष्य तक पहुंचाना महिलाओं में प्रकृति प्रदत्त होता है। शादी के बाद नए घर में जाना और वहां पर पूरी व्यवस्थाओं को संभालते हुए नए परिवेश में अपने परिवार को स्थापित करना, बच्चों को सुसंस्कारित करना और उन्हें एक मुकाम तक पहुंचाना, एक प्रतिष्ठान को चलाने से कम नहीं है। महिलाएं  नौकरी व व्यवसाय के साथ घर भी बखूबी चला रही हैं। देश की लगभग 48 प्रतिशत आबादी महिलाओं की है और केवल 12 से 13 प्रतिशत महिलाएं ही कामकाजी हैं। एक बड़ी आबादी की नुमाइंदगी करने वाली महिलाएं देश की आर्थिक व्यवस्था में अपनी नैसर्गिक उद्यमिता से अमूल्य योग दे सकती हैं। जरूरत है, अपने आपको पहचानने की। यह आवश्यक नहीं है कि बड़े व्यावसायिक प्रतिष्ठान की ही स्थापना की जाए। महिलाएं अपने छोटे-छोटे व्यवसाय शुरू कर देश की जीडीपी में और परिवार की आमदनी में आर्थिक प्रबलता दे सकती हैं। इसलिए अपने आपको पहचानिए। झिझक छोड़ कर काबलियत से किसी भी क्षेत्र में जा सकती हैं। कुछ महिलाएं अच्छी चित्रकारी करती हैं परंतु वे आगे नहीं बढ़ पाती। ग्रेजुएट- पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट महिलाएं अच्छा लेखन करती हैं, लेकिन उनकी प्रतिभा आगे नहीं आ पाती। कई विधाओं में योग्य होने के बावजूद वे क्षमताओं को पहचान नहीं पाती। आवश्यकता है अपनी क्षमताओं को पहचानने व समय प्रबंधन की। सामाजिक उद्यमिता एक ऐसा क्षेत्र है, जहां महिलाएं थोड़ा समय देकर आर्थिक विकास में योग दे सकती हैं। जैसे शिक्षा, हेल्थ एंड न्यूट्रिशन, योग, संगीत, वित्तीय साक्षरता ऐसे क्षेत्र हैं जिसमें महिलाओं का योगदान महत्वपूर्ण है। सफल उद्यमी के लिए धैर्यवान, परिस्थितयों का सही आकलन, जोखिम लेना, जुनूनी, परिस्थितयों के अनुसार ढालना वित्तीय प्रबंधन, योजनाबद्ध नीति और सबको साथ लेकर चलना जैसे गुण महिलाओं में जन्मजात होते हैं।

परिवार का आर्थिक मैट्रिक्स बनाएं महिलाएं

महिलाएं बचत तो आदतन कर लेती है। धैर्य, अनुशासन, पारिवारिक सुरक्षा और सिस्टेमेटिक एनालिसिस के गुण महिलाएं में होते है और आर्थिक समृद्धि व स्थिरता के लिए ये गुण महत्वपूर्ण है। आज भी वित्तीय मामलों में महिलाओं की भागीदारी परिवार में उतनी नहीं है क्योंकि महिलाओं में वित्तीय साक्षरता की कमी है। सही मायनों में महिला सशक्तिकरण तभी होगा जब वित्तीय क्षेत्रों में भी महिलाओं की भागीदारी बढ़ेगी। महिलाओं का बचत करने का अंदाज़ ज़रा अलग होता है। किचन में बिछे पेपर के नीचे, अनाज के डिब्बों, अलमारी में रखी साड़ियों की तहों में समस्याओं के समाधान रखती है। प्रायः देखने में आया है की म्यूचुअल फंड, मेडिक्लेम, जीवन बिमा आदि योजनाओं से वे वाकिफ नहीं रहती और वित्तीय साक्षरता की कमी होने के कारण हमेशा पुरुष सदस्यों पर ही आश्रित रहती हैं। महिलाएं सुनिश्चित करें कि अपनों बच्चों के खाते में प्रत्येक माह कुछ राशि अवश्य जमा करें एवं बच्चों में लघु बचत की आदत विकसित करें। वित्तीय सशक्तिकरण के लिए परिवार का फाइनेंसियल मैट्रिक्स तैयार करना चाहिए। इसमें हसबैंड, वाइफ और बच्चों का सेविंग बैंक अकाउंट, एफडीआर, शेयर डिबेंचर, म्यूचुअल फंड, लाइफ इन्शुरन्स और मेडिक्लेम का डेटाबेस बनाएं। प्रत्येक कॉलम में समयाविधि, मैच्योरिटी अकाउंट दर्ज़ कर समय - समय पर अपडेट करते रहे। पांचवें वर्ष से ही बच्चे का खाता खोलकर लघु बचत कीजिए। महीने में एक बार बैंक स्वयं जाकर अधिकारियों से मिलें और स्वयं पैसे जमा करने व निकालने चाहिए। विभिन्न वित्तीय योजनाओं की जानकारी लेकर डायरी में फॅमिली बैंकर के रूप में निकटतम बैंक के मैनेजर का नंबर दर्ज करना चाहिए। प्रधानमंत्री जन धन योजना, अटल पेंशन योजना, भारतीय जीवन बीमा योजना निगम द्वारा कई सूक्ष्म बैंक अकाउंट एवं लघु बिमा योजनाओं में बहुत कम पैसों में लाभ प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। सही मायने में महिला सशक्तिकरण तभी होगा जब वित्तीय क्षेत्रों में महिलाएं निर्णायक भूमिका निभाने लगेंगी।